Tuesday, June 3, 2008

If Kirstie Can't Keep Her Weight Off - What About All of Us?

Ok - I'm depressed. No, this is just totally depressing. I just have one question since this picture glared at me this morning from the AOL headlines - if someone in the public eye with all the financial advantages as Kirstie can't keep her weight off, how in the world can mere mortals like myself hope to keep my weight off?

I have a new theory - losing it isn't hard (after all, I lost almost 25 lbs on NutriSystem - which as far as diets go, I really love), but once I fell off (almost 2 months ago) I have had a hard time climbing back on my diet wagon again. And while I'm not in the public eye, it definitely is bathing suit season again. . .

So, because I don't feel like being personally responsible for my weight this morning (I know I am, but just go along with me, okay?), I am going to blame it on genetics. I am sure if someone digs deep enough and does enough research they will find that a thin person is truly dying to get out of us fat people, but we are either missing a gene or perhaps have too many genes. It simply can't be that I have no willpower. . .or can it?

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DC said...

Staying on the wagon is so hard. Good luck with your diet!

K @ ourboxofrain said...

I too have always found it hard to get back on the diet wagon once I fall off. As a result, my weight has bounced around a ton in adulthood, which I know isn't healthy. Each time I say that this time will be different, but life just has a way of getting in the way.

Diane said...

I'm Sassy Pink Boutique's mom (she told me to read your blog, so here I am) and I have fought, sometimes successfully, more often than not less successfully, the battle of the bulge for many many years. I just read yesterday that the fat cells a person has is determined by their 20's, so once you have them -- you're stuck with them, and they just love to fill up. That's what makes keeping it off so difficult. I'm not sure the picture of Kristi is old or new -- it looks a little like an old one I saw. Eat healthy, exercise (which isn't too dificult if you're running after little ones) and concentrate on living life -- not being someone else! Life is way to short to waste it.

Nicky said...

Here from NCLM. I think the Kirstie Alley thing just proves that it's not about resources (though they do help) and being in the limelight (though I'm sure it is a motivator for some). I think it's genetics and attitude and not a little luck. Which sucks, because 2 of 3 are out of our control....

Anonymous said...

Cut out meat. It's as simple as that. Trust me! Cut it out for one month and see what happens. If you need an extra push, I'll pass along an article I read. I promise it's that easy. Love love!!!